Cognitive Technology: Unleashing the Full Power of AI, ML, and Hyperautomation

“Cognitive technologies” — the manifestation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution — are transforming enterprises globally.

Even so, the full power of these technologies is still largely untapped. AI and advanced automation are making a huge impact, but when enabled properly, they’re capable of so much more.

Let’s take a look at why, discuss what visionary leaders can do to unleash cognitive technologies’ full power and ROI, and explore an emerging solution pioneering the shift from “artificial intelligence” to organization-wide cognition by building custom neural networks for their clients.

Cognitive Technology’s Unmet Promise

cognitive technology

Cognitive technology — a suite of self-learning algorithms, including AI, machine learning, and other advanced automation capabilities — has had an unquestionable impact on how enterprises operate.

Despite this, our current deployment of these technologies barely scratches the surface.

This is due to most enterprises struggling with vendor sprawl and “big data” which often roughly translates to, “More data than I could ever use meaningfully.” So we find ourselves hampered by siloed AI/ML implementations and lacking of interdepartmental connectivity, which reduces the overall effectiveness of these tools.

Breaking Down Barriers with Custom Enterprise Neural Networks

Breaking down barriers with custom enterprise neural networks

A fundamental shift is emerging to address these limitations and fully realize cognitive technology’s potential. This shift is centered on the concept of custom enterprise neural networks, a unified system that can learn, recommend, and act across an entire organization, akin to a “corporate brain.”

One trailblazer leading this innovation is Kizen, a fast-growing tech company in Austin, TX. Their goal is to develop and deploy these custom neural networks uniquely to each of their enterprise clients, ensuring that each organization they work with can fully harness the power of cognitive technology across all teams and data — regardless of which technologies are already in place.

From Integration to Activation in Three Steps

From integration to activation

Deploying a 100% unique, custom neural network for a single organization involves three steps:

  1. Integrate: It starts with unifying all critical data from existing technologies and digitizing processes across the organization.
  2. Learn: Drawing from this rich, integrated data source, the system begins to learn, adapt, and evolve in a way that mimics human intelligence.
  3. Activate Cognition: Once trained, the custom neural network starts operating, providing recommendations and taking actions that continually enhance performance as defined by your organization’s unique initiatives.

The Impact: A Game Changer for Large and Complex Organizations

The impact

This enablement of cognitive technology across all teams and technologies delivers substantial improvements to large, complex organizations in three key areas:

Intelligent Automation

Rather than mere process automation, custom neural networks are capable of suggesting and deploying intelligent automations. They identify repetitive tasks across departments, suggest, and even deploy automations autonomously — getting smarter and more capable over time. This dramatically reduces mundane tasks, enabling employees to focus on higher-value activities.

For instance, imagine an enterprise’s HR department inundated with repetitive inquiries about leave policies. A custom enterprise neural network can analyze the pattern, design a bot to answer these queries, test it in a sandbox environment, and finally deploy it, saving the HR team countless hours.

Such hyperautomation does more than just streamline processes; it evolves with the organization, progressively enhancing efficiency.

Individualized Marketing

Instead of the generic, one-size-fits-all marketing approach, these networks hold the promise of delivering hyper-personalized content and engagement. They understand individual customer preferences and needs, enabling timely, unique communication that resonates with each customer, improving engagement and conversions.

Taking this a step further, the network can leverage generative AI functionality to create content based on each individual’s preferences. Whether it’s an email campaign, a product recommendation, or a promotional message, every piece of communication can be bespoke, appealing directly to the user’s needs, interests, purchase history, and more.

For instance, an e-commerce business can dynamically adjust product descriptions or ads based on which website pages a visitor spent the most time on, improving click-through and conversion rates.

Predictive Problem-Solving

The networks can identify patterns in data that would otherwise go unnoticed, predicting potential crises before they occur. They offer proactive solutions, mitigate risks, uncover unseen opportunities, and facilitate a dynamic, future-focused approach to business strategy.

For instance, with the help of predictive AI/ML, the system could analyze a complex mix of operational data, market trends, and customer behavior. It could foresee a potential product shortage and recommend adjustments in the production schedule to prevent it.

Similarly, it could spot a burgeoning market trend and then provide valuable insights to help executive leadership strategize and capitalize on the opportunity before competitors have even identified it.

This amplified efficiency, personalization, and proactivity achieved through a custom enterprise neural network looks likely to become the highest ROI technology in history for large, complex organizations — making them more responsive, efficient, agile, and customer-centric.

The Unleashed Power of Cognitive Technology

The unleashed power of cognitive technology

The deployment of custom enterprise neural networks brings about a dramatic improvement in organizational efficiency. The network provides actionable insights, from sales to customer service, fostering unprecedented cross-departmental collaboration. The improved connectivity and operational fluidity surpass any technology that’s existed to date.

More importantly, this shift fully realizes the promise of cognitive technology — intelligent systems that adapt and learn, enabling businesses to swiftly respond to changing landscapes and seize new opportunities.

The outcome? A radical evolution in how organizations operate and compete.

The Future Is Cognitive: A Call for Visionary Leaders to Take Action

The future is cognitive

As we stand at the edge of Industry 4.0, the influence of AI and machine learning is set to rise. The challenge for modern enterprises isn’t just adopting these technologies, but also maximizing their potential.

The transition to custom enterprise neural networks marks a pivotal moment in cognitive technologies, dismantling barriers that have hindered their full potential until now. By taking this leap, visionary leaders can unlock the true potential of cognitive technology and shape the future of enterprise innovation and efficiency.

The narrative of cognitive technology is still unfolding, and enterprises have a unique opportunity to contribute to this story.

Fast-movers who embrace the power of this technology before it becomes standard practice will enjoy significant growth and success in a rapidly-evolving digital world, positioning their organizations (and themselves) to capitalize on the brightest opportunities of our cognitive future.

Ready to evaluate Kizen for your unique enterprise’s needs?